Unlock Your Recruiting Profits
With OpinionWizard you can literally
double, triple or even quadruple
recruiting profits!
Save Time and Money Every Day
Increase Survey Responses
Quota Control
OpinionWizard automatically resends screener invitations up to 4 times to non-responders.
Streamlined Confirmations
Customized emails are automatically sent to all new recruits each day, with complete details (date, time, duration, incentive, location, attachments, streaming links, & more AND includes a click to confirm link.
Reminders are also
sent automatically. ​
More than 85% of respondents
click to confirm, elimiating most confirmation calls
Set quotas and OpinionWizard
will enforce them so recruiters/respondents
can't over recruit.
Instant Profile Reports
Profiles any way you want them.
By Group, Day, or All on One Page.
Format is easily created during survey programming with just a few clicks.
Easy Pay with ePay
Pay 1 or all respondents quickly using your preferred payment provider integrated with OpinionWizard.
. Good bye formatting and uploads.
Full Self-Scheduling
When you're ready to really
drive profits
Imagine recruiting with almost no labor.
Full-self scheduling projects
literally recruit themselves
yielding 75% or more profit on each project.
Set up the job, select sample
and push more as needed.
The system does the rest.
Qualified respondents select a session.
Quotas are Controlled
Confirmations are Sent
Profile Reports are Ready
Reminders are Sent